This 15-minute segment was produced by ABC-TV's investigative program "Prime Time," and aired in December 1990. The piece features Lijon Eknilang, a Marshallese woman who was 8-years old at the time of the U.S.' largest and dirtiest H-bomb at Bikini in March 1954, a fission-fusion-fission bomb 1,000 times the Hiroshima A-bomb. Caught in the high-level radioactive fallout downwind from Bikini and the H-bomb [Bravo], Lijon subsequently contracted many radiation-induced disorders along with seven miscarriages leading to her eventual sterility. Lijon Eknilang died last month after leading a life dedicated to both educating the global community about the inherent dangers of nuclear weapons, and also of working tirelessly for the eventual abolition of nuclear weapons.
Lijon Eknilang will be dearly missed.- glenn alcalay
P.S. A more recent interview of Lijon Eknilang can be found in Adam Horowitz's excellent new documentary "Nuclear Savage: The Islands of Secret Project 4.1."
Go here:
And go here for Lijon's "Nuclear Survivor Stories" video and photo archive:
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