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Analysing Effective Measures: Options for Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament and Implementation of NPT Article VI

June 1, 2015
Tim Caughley
In collaboration with ILPI, this publication is the third of the five thematic briefing papers produced for the April-May 2015 five-yearly review meeting of the NPT.
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The Fight to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

June 1, 2015
Dr Lyndon Burford
New Zealand Red Cross IHL Magazine
Article for 'Wars, Laws +Humanity', New Zealand Red Cross IHL Magazine.
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Avoiding Armageddon

May 29, 2015
Lyndon Burford
NZ Herald
Opinion piece for the NZ Herald, from the five-yearly Review Conference of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), at the United Nations headquarters in New York in 2015.
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After Oslo: Humanitarian Perspectives and the Changing Nuclear Weapons Discourse

June 6, 2013
John Borrie & Tim Caughley
This paper examines recent international policy discourse concerning new initiatives on nuclear disarmament that draw primarily from, or are influenced by, humanitarian concerns..
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Viewing Nuclear Weapons through a Humanitarian Lens: Context and Implications

January 6, 2013
John Borrie
This paper considers the relevance of viewing nuclear weapons through a humanitarian lens—along with some criticisms of it—with a view to informing contemporary policy debate.
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Security in a World without Nuclear Weapons: Visions and Challenges

January 1, 2013
Edited by David Atwood and Emily J Munro
Geneva Centre for Security Policy
In this publication, Robert Green, DSC Co-Director, suggests the need for a reframing of the security paradigm surrounding nuclear weapons from a discriminatory system based on nuclear deterrence to..
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No Such Thing as a Free Lunch: A Nuclear-User-Pays Model of International Security

June 12, 2012
Lyndon Burford
Non-Proliferation Review
The funding of international nuclear risk mitigation is ad hoc, voluntary, and unpredictable, offering no transparent explanation of who is financially responsible for the task or why. Among many..
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The Conference on Disarmament: Issues and Insights

June 1, 2012
Tim Caughley
This publication contains brief papers prepared by UNIDIR as background information for delegates in the Conference on Disarmament’s series of thematic debates during 2012.
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Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons: Tracing Notions about Catastrophic Humanitarian Consequences

June 1, 2012
Tim Caughley
This paper examines the notion of catastrophic humanitarian consequences and the origins of similar expressions as orienting concepts in the context of use of WMD in particular.
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Breaking Free from Nuclear Deterrence

February 17, 2011
Robert Green
When David Krieger invited me to give this lecture, I discovered the illustrious list of those who had gone before me – beginning with Frank King Kelly himself in 2002. I was privileged to meet him...
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